Well Pad

Discover optimal locations for Well Pad Sites, basing placement on build factors like lateral layout, lease types, and more.
The way you approach the development of Well Pad Sites may depend heavily on the types of leases in play. We want to help make this simpler by including multiple lease boundary options for your next build.
Integrated Geomancy can include as many supplemental datasets and constraints as your team wishes to include. Enhance your model and optimization results by exploring which variables are most often used.
Whether your team is looking to build Multi-Well Pads or Single-Well Pads, this application can help. Determine your Asset Type and integrate a full range of default - yet, customizable - settings for location.
Allow your team to have a say when it comes to optimization. You decide where Integrated Geomancy is permitted to look for placement locations in relation to the lease on which Well Pad Sites will be built.
Well Pad Site placement is just the beginning - further customize assets by defining variables like lateral orientation, direction, and spacing when determining the optimal locations of these sites.
With the help of Integrated Geomancy, determine potential well pad sites based on land parcels, land units, or large leases.

Within the Integrated Geomancy toolkit, users are presented with multiple options for defining the land holdings on which well pad sites will be placed - including basic land parcels.

The Analysis tools designed for locating potential Well Pad Sites automatically generate land units by combining parcel data provided by you. It is just one less thing your team has to do.

Does the lease exceed the maximum for typical drilling constraints? Select tools are designed to produce potential sites for these leasing, including factors like stress direction in the analysis.
To help your team generate site locations as realistic as possible, we encourage you to include as many and as varied input spatial datasets within the Integrated Geomancy model as you have available. Examples of the input types recommended are...

In order for the Integrated Geomancy toolkit to optimize the locations of assets, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) must be provided. This data, alongside any supplemental data and constraints, allows the toolkit to determine the best placements for assets like Well Pad Sites.

Determine the locations of Core Hole Sites based on the Scenario's constraints, constructability, and Cut and Fill calculations present within the area of study. Even better? Sampling is optimized within the spacing allowance.

Information like Land Cover and Surface Geology help our teams to determine if the landscape of an area may be suitable for construction - as well as if it may require maintenance after development.

Produced by the Integrated Geomancy toolkit, this surface serves as input for nearly every Analysis tool. It also acts as a helpful reference for where building can and cannot occur based on the datasets included in the model.

With options for including waterbodies, streams, drinking water, and the like, ensure that hydrology is properly represented within your Study Area prior to modeling.

Generated by Integrated Geomancy alongside the Constructability Surface, this solution offers a reference for those input datasets that have the most impact on the overall constructability of the area in which your team is working.

There are situations where an area is off-limits for construction. Rather than analyzing these areas after processing, add this data to the model as No-Go regions so that they will be removed from consideration ahead of time and assets in will be routed to avoid them.
While it may be more economical in specific scenarios to build multi-well pads, we do not want to limit you. Integrated Geomancy offers your team the option to determine placement for either single or multi-well pads depending on the project at hand.

With industry-tested weights and settings built into Integrated Geomancy, building Multi-Well Pads during Analysis means those variables impacting Well Head Set-Back, Well Bore Heel/Toe, etc. are automatically calculated for this asset.
When your team is interested in Single-Well Pad development rather than Multi, the same principles apply. The toolkit offers default (yet, customizable) weights and settings for those drilling components considered during optimization.
Deciding where to place Well Pad Sites is up to Integrated Geomancy. Discerning where on leases the application can look? That is up to you - and there are multiple options from which your team may choose.

When specifying location on lease only, potential Well Pad Sites will only be built on the lease provided. This option assumes that it will be possible to back-build the well into the adjacent lease.

When placing sites on and off lease, the dog-leg severity may be used to determine the minimum horizontal offset needed for the well. This offset will be used as the closest distance that a Well Pad may be sited to the heel/toe of the well.

For those circumstances where development may occur off-lease, the option to build off lease and near lease boundary identifies sites off-lease and in close proximity to the lease.

When identifying Well Pad Sites on and off lease, the dog-leg severity may be used to determine the maximum horizontal offset needed for the well. This serves as the maximum distance from the heel/toe of the well to search for potential sites.
For projects where the approach to lateral layout requires just as much attention as placement of the overall Well Pad Site, Integrated Geomancy offers a variety of custom options to be applied to development. Examples of these options include...

When modeling Well Pad Sites alongside depth details for the area, laterals can be oriented along maximum principal stress, along up-dip direction, based on longest laterals and up-dip direction, or based on origination from a cardinal direction (i.e., North, South) of the lease boundary.
Analyzing the final results in a 3D view helps users to better visualize the end-product, ensuring proper placement of assets for the scenario.

Well Pad layouts may consist of either single direction well layouts or a combination of single and dual direction.
Single direction layouts assume that all wells drilled from the pad will be oriented in the same direction. The second option, single and dual direction, allows for the potential of drilling in two directions opposed to one another, offering your team more allowances in where laterals and sites can be placed.

Take full advantage of the Well Pad Site and Integrated Geomancy's capabilities by controlling how lateral spacing is handled across the entirety of the lease. Laterals may be spaced equally across the lease, allowing as many as possible to be placed down.
Alternatively, you may define the measurement to be used for the spacing and specify that this be strictly followed by the toolkit during placement.